The kite formation can provide a sense of direction and purpose to the energy of the grand trine, indicating a strong potential for creativity, leadership, and personal growth. I wouldn't count the asteroids in major aspect patterns such as these. A kite formation in astrology is a powerful and significant planetary configuration that combines a grand trine with a fourth planet connected through two sextile aspects. I love Grand trines in synastry, the energy just moves so freely - hoping that it's positive energy, at least I wouldn`t say though that EVERY Grand trine points to soulmates, though soulmates usually have strong "closed circuits". The reasoning behind Grand trines being a soulmate indicator is that one person contributes a planet and "closes the circuit", so that a feeling of completeness develops. If what you are asking is not there, look in the back pages, numbered at the bottom. Here are six pages on the subject from the Astro forum. Not sure how significant of a asteroid it is, in synastry, but still. It does appear that with the Sun and Moon in the 4/10 axis, that both your parents in this life have been parents in past lives. Your kite is pointing in the direction of the 4th house, the house of family, home, parents. Visually my kite is made up of the following: The Grand Trine (in fire) Moon (Aries) 1833 (8th house) Neptune (Sagittarius) 1357 (4th house) Saturn (Leo) 1556 (11th house) The fire planets all harmonious aspects with each other (trine). There is an opposition point, a planet that opposes one of the points of the Grand Trine. The grand trines are obvious, but the kite formation I'm refering to will include asteroid angel of the outer chart as the extra "vertex" for the kite. Magi Astrology doesn’t consider anything more than 3 to be a trine of any impact. Any thoughts on this matter, and about the chart below. The bottom part of the kite is two trines: blue 120 deg aspects (which form a Grand Trine).

The top pat of the kite is two more sextiles (which form a small talent triangle). The Fire Grand Trine is packed to the brim with creative potential, and according to Jung’s typology method, people dominated by FIRE are intuitive and have a spark of divine inspiration within them. I've read somewhere that grand trines, or a kite formation is a big indication of a soulmate connection. Basically the Kite consist of a ‘spine’ red opposition aspect (180deg), a ‘cross-piece’ consisting of a blue trine aspect (120 deg). Topic: Possible Soulmate Connection? (Grand Trines/ Kite Formations in Synastry) The Kite starts with a symmetrical triangular figure (most commonly a Grand Trine) and adds a fourth planet in opposition to one of the other planets, forming a diamond-shaped figure that looks like a kite (see diagrams below).

Possible Soulmate Connection? (Grand Trines/ Kite Formations in Synastry) Possible Soulmate Connection? (Grand Trines/ Kite Formations in Synastry) - Lindaland Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! () The Kite is a big driving force: it combines the abilities and stability of the Grand Trine with the skill inherent in the Bisextile to reap results.